All endings are canon due to branching timelines (a concept explored most thoroughly in Drakengard 3), and Drakengard 2 and NieR stem from different endings of Drakengard. 3rd Ending - … Drakengard 2. I really like Dod2, but man is the final ending a bit overly convenient. Exactly like a slightly more refined version of Drakengard. Drakengard 2, known in Japan as Drag-On Dragoon 2: love red, ambivalence black, is an action role-playing video game developed by Cavia and published by Square Enix in Japan and Ubisoft in all other territories exclusively for the PlayStation 2. Ending F: mission [F]ailed [Ch. A Look at Drakengard 2! 2nd Ending: Unlock chapter 9 (Withdraw 80% life out of the Black Dragon in less than 4 minutes 20 in Chapter 7 .., Drakengard PlayStation 2

The instant the royal duel was over, we were sent on a mission. Notice: So I never really planned on LPing Drakengard 2 and thus had an entire update after Ending A of the first game's LP spoiling a ton of shit. so I suggest you start there. 01-03_2] After Engels knocks 9S onto his back, fail to repair your system by letting the timer run out. Drakengard 3 is the prequel to DG1, much like what Metal Gear did with Snake Eater. And that concludes the lamest, yet somehow canon, and least fucked ending of Drakengard!

GameVortex's review of Drakengard 2. Drakengard 2 is composed of three endings. 2nd Ending - Unlock chapter 9 ( Withdraw 80% life of the Black Dragon in less than 4min20 in the chapter 7 verse 4).

Nowe is one of the Knights of the … Though where to start the review is a really tough question. The game begins under the assumption that you got the game’s first ending, where Angelus had been used to create the Seal. Ending H: a mountain too [H]igh Our Dragons Are Different : Dragons are among the most powerful of magical creatures, often cynical and proud, they were originally created by the gods to guard the world and purge humanity. 01-01_2] When you get control of 9S for the first time, walk to the crane and neglect the mission. I just literally ordered all those games because I really enjoyed NA a lot and want to see how it all began. Drakengard 2 is obviously the sequel to Drakengard.

Chapter 4: Betrayal Episode XXVIII: In Which We Pick-up a War Orphan A Look at New Game Plus Chapter 10: Astray Episode XXIX: In Which Leonard Wastes Everyone's Time Chapter 9: Requiem Episode XXX: In Which Inuart Gets Some Tail Episode XXXI: In Which We Get We Get the Goddess Ending A Look at Free Expedition: Part 1 Chapter 10: Astray Episode XXXII: In …

All endings are canon due to branching timelines (a concept explored most thoroughly in Drakengard 3), and Drakengard 2 and NieR stem from different endings of Drakengard. Hidden endings. 1st Ending: Finish Chapter 1 to 8. I'm almost positive this thing was forced unto the development staff by the producers for marketing purposes.

There are four endings in NieR RepliCant and NieR Gestalt (NIER ), each progressively showing the true ending. All told, “Drakengard 3” is an interesting attempt to streamline the “Drakengard/NieR” experience, but it feels like it’s going through the motions on some level.

I …

1st Ending - Finish chapter 1 to 8. Replicant Nier is about to kill Gestalt Nier. Drakengard 2 is composed of three endings. This page will be composed of Nowe's summaries of the game and additions regarding the endings.