With an entirely Brazilian production muletone explores each instrument in minute detail. If you do not find something, do not hesitate to contact us. A cuica consists of a small, one-head drum with a thin, light wood stick attached to the centre of, and perpendicular to, its head. The instrument was introduced to Brazil by African slaves, where it found its place in Samba music.

The music itself consists of a quick tempo and catchy rhythm while being used for dance. 0 Comment . Instruments from Brazil with a unique focus in their playability and their musical language. This instrument is traditionally played in Brazilian Samba bands. It is said to imitate animal voices (monkey). Cuica – The cuica is a single-headed Brazilian friction drum. Unlike others libraries the Brazilian Series brings a real depth and perspective of Brazil’s instruments respecting their individual characteristics. There are many samba instruments that are used from agogos, cuica, ganza, berimbau, and more. Brazilian percussion is spreading throughout the world for their strength and energy. From songbooks to video downloads, you will find educational material for many Brazilian drums & string instruments as well as advanced training courses and a good read about most instruments on our site.

This stick is rosined and rubbed with a cloth. The berimbau is about 4-5 feet in length so that the gourd can rest on the abdomen and the hands are free to hold the wooden stick to strike the steel string.

High-pitched, its tone has a squeaky quality that reminds this instrument’s own name. The steel string is secured to the wooden bow and the gourd is then attached to the bow. The cuíca has a wooden stick fastened at one end inside the drum in the center of the drumhead.

Instruments from Brazil with a unique focus in their playability and their musical language. We can try to get it. It is also believed that the cuica was used in Africa as a call for the male lion since the sound mimics the roar of the female lioness. We have an extensive catalog of spares and accessories to Brazilian percussion. Sound is produced in cuica drums by rubbing a thin, short and carved wooden cane attached to the membrane on the inside of the instrument. Muletone Audio – Brazilian Series: Cuica, Pandeiro, Tamborim (KONTAKT) By Admin | September 10, 2016.

You can notice that traditional instruments are used when you listen to the music. A great selection of media for anyone interested in Samba and Brazil percussion.

A thin wooden stick is attached in the center of the drum head, reaching into the drum’s interior. Brazilian Percussion - Musical Instruments. Perhaps the most fascinating instrument of all Brazilian percussion is the CUICA, whose roots can be traced to West Africa where samba rhythms are said to have originated. With an entirely Brazilian production muletone explores each instrument in minute detail. This Brazilian musical instrument is a percussion instrument made from a wooden bow, gourd, and a steel string. The cuica is a friction drum, and a thin bamboo stick is tucked into the skin inside a single headed drum made of metal or sometimes wood. It produces a very distinct sound and has an exceptional pitch range.

Muletone Audio presents the Brazilian Series. Samba is a music and dance that partly defines the music culture in Brazil.