The proof for this lies with the saying of Allāh, The beads are used to keep track of the number of recitations that make up the dhikr. Reciting dhikr without wudu It is not necessary to be in a state of wudu to engage in dhikr, or to recite one’s daily litanies. If Loud Dhikr was such a transgression in this religion, then there would be no “Allahuma Labaika, Laka Lhamd wa Shukr” - This is literally a loud Dhikr done in congregation every year. Allah says in Quran below here. Being conscious and remembering Allah frequently through our day is highly encouraged for those who want to earn reward and please Allah (SWT). It is also allowed to perform dhikr in an audible voice but not a loud voice. The least meaning of ‘quietness’ is that one says the dhikr such that the words reach his ears as stated by Imām an-Nawawī and others. It is, however, recommended to do so, such that one is in the best of states. Evidence for that is the Prophet PBUH reciting Talbiya with his companions. But dhikr in general is something that is Islamically prescribed in many situations, unlike other acts of worship, and this du‘aa’ is dhikr or remembrance of Allah, yet the salaf did not adhere to a particular manner of doing it or limit it to specific times, such that this dhikr is connected to those particular times, unless there is evidence for a particular time, such as morning or evening. Dhikr and it's Benefits in Islam Dhikr is the Arabic word for remembrance. If you say Dhikr Allah, then it means remembrance of Allah.
The importance of dhikr in Islam, when a Muslim diligently practice dhikr and at one time he died. This also goes for similar activities, such as reciting the Qur’an or reading Hadith, or engaging in the study of Islamic sciences. Loud Dhikr in groups is not a bidah/innovation.

Everything that is of the world will be left behind except one, the practice of dhikr. They gather at certain days at a certain place, and perform a Dhikr done by all of them, sometimes they do it while sitting in a circle, hence comes the word Halaqa حلقة which is another way of referring to a circle, and sometimes they do what you see in that video, they move in circle and do some other types of movements. Known also as Tasbih, these are usually Misbaha (prayer beads) upon a string, 99 or 100 in number, which correspond to the names of God in Islam and other recitations. Where this practice will always be brought to the Hereafter.