NFS vs. CIFS. At this point in the road, there really is one choice for network file-based storage on a Microsoft platform, and that's SMB 3.0.

From my [somewhat limited] experience NFS is much easier to set up and just tends to work. CIFS/SMB vs NFS . Active 6 years, 1 month ago.

Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago.

SMB 2 and SMB 3 overcome this problem and provided more security features to the users, operating at a modern data center over a wide scale. NFS vs SMB. Overtime, NFS showed a major evolution with an advanced version of file locks, access controls, and enhanced improvement. These acronyms sound too technical, because indeed they are really tech related, not to mention, understanding each concept requires some background in computer networking and its various applications. Can anyone briefly describe me what is the biggest difference between SMB authentication and NFS v.3 authentication? Most NAS devices support NFS and CIFS, some of them at the same time for the same data. Windows File Sharing usually means SMB. In the realm of computers, file systems and network protocols, two names often surface ‘“ the NFS and the CIFS. Hello Both NFS and SMB are file sharing protocols. What you won't find is any comparison between NFS and SMB 3.0 for Hyper-V, since NFS isn't supported. From everything I've seen so far, it's not a bad choice either.

Server Messaging protocol (SMB) is the native file sharing protocol implemented in Windows systems.

SMB uses share level and user level security to authorize access to file shares. Latest response 2017-11-06T20:03:02+00:00. SMB vs NFS authentication. NFS is unix's default file sharing protocol. MoSMB - SMB 2/3 NAS Server on Linux with Enterprise Class features High Security, High Availability, High Reliability, High Scalability & High Performance. If you need to mount your share on unix, use NFS. I'm looking for thoughts on the age-old CIFS vs NFS debate. On Unix/Linux systems you can use Samba to both share and access filesystems via SMB/CIFS. The Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol is a dialect of SMB which in turn is a collection of message packages that defines a specific version of SMB. 2.

Generally, though, you will pick the protocol you're using based on the OS of the clients you'll be accessing the data from. Viewed 18k times 3. SMB/CIFS uses Windows-style access control lists (which are really complicated) whereas NFS uses Unix-style file permissions (User ID owner, Group ID owner, and read/write/execute permissions).