A nightmare, also called a bad dream, is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety and great sadness.However, psychological nomenclature differentiates between nightmares and bad dreams, specifically, people remain asleep during bad dreams whereas nightmares awaken individuals. Sans (/sænz/ ) is the brother of Papyrus and a major character in Undertale. Dreamswap is an AU of Dreamtale, though it is not completely centered around the AU itself.

Nightmare (principally known as Nightmare!Sans) is one of the two main antagonists of Underverse and the main antagonist in the Undertale AUs series. Within this AU, Dream eats all but 2 of the apples from the Tree of Feelings (there are a total of 200). X-Tale!Sans (better known as Cross) is the main protagonist of X-Tale and the anti-hero of Underverse. Aparece al inicio del Bosque de Snowdin, ubicado a las afueras del pueblo de Snowdin, dando un pequeño susto al jugador debido a los sonidos que hace cuando se acerca a este.

Known Members Nightmare (leader), Six (Second in command), Error, Dust, Killer, Remorse, Horror, Spectro (Formerly) (Not to be confushued with Spectron), Cleanser (Formerly), Underfell Sans, Cross sans (formerly), Galaxy sans

576 Pages. Name:Nightmare Origin:Dreamtale (Undertale AU) Gender:Male Age:Same As Dream Sans Classification:Skeleton Powers and Abilities:Superhuman Physical Characteristics,Soul Manipulation,Teleportation,Immortality,Shapeshifting,Superhuman … The Truce takes place before X-Tale, in which Error!Sans and Ink!Sans both create a truce, supposedly for the better of the multiverse. Add new page. Nightmare looks exactly like Sans but it's completely black (except for … Nightmare (principally known as Nightmare!Sans) is one of the two main antagonists of Underverse and the main antagonist in the Undertale AUs series. After he seals their main soul within him to result in his universe's corruption, and his … Underverse is an AU that supposedly takes place after X-Tale, Sans, now Cross, ends up going to each pacifist timeline within an AU and tries to take it himself, with help from Cross!Chara (X-Event!Chara) and Nightmare!Sans.

it will only take one minute! Nightmare!Sans was created by JokuBlog Nightmare is a being of darkness who feeds off the negativity of the multiverse He is the sole god of negativity and nightmares Personality . This is the Wikia about all Sans, Wiki made by me, Bizzare XGaming (YOUTUBE)! LIST: un INFO Edit ALL UNDERTALE AU's HAVE AT LEAST 1 SANS Welcome to the SANS AUs Wikia Edit.