1. 1. The constant possibility of a relapse worries him sicker than he already is. They reveal dependence on fantasy over fact. 1. It leaves you feeling guilty, ashamed and tempted to throw in the towel and just keep acting out on the addiction. As with The relapse at the outset of Vanbrugh's dramatic career, Colley Cibber again became involved, and this time he had last word.

If not, we relapse into scepticism.

2. And it was this emotional dependence.

5. 13+1 sentence examples: 1. to fall backwards, usually in relation to a person’s health.Examples of relapse in a sentence. Dependence; 1. Dependence in a sentence. We were afraid he might relapse into a coma. Find descriptive alternatives for relapse.

1. Synonyms for relapse at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Example sentences with the word relapse.relapse example sentences. Unfortunately, relapse is also common. 1. The last thing I wanted was to relapse into the role of a patronizing objective observer. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Sentences Containing 'relapse' But, unfortunately, there has been,''he paused and took a deep breath``a slight relapse.'' Bill had been sober for ten years, but then he had a relapse and started drinking again. (The sentence formed depends whether the word relapse is used as noun or a verb. Your dependence on outer form is gone.

1. A relapse (“lapse,” “slip,” “setback”) is one of the most frustrating, humiliating experiences you can face in recovery from any problem habit. 100 examples: Early neuroleptic medication within one year after onset can reduce risk of… 4. relapse definition: The definition of a relapse is a backsliding or a situation where a person who was getting better returns to a worse state.

The Behavioral Economics of Drug Dependence. This led to a relapse with drugs and alcohol. Examples of relapse in a sentence, how to use it. 1. If someone has a relapse or if there is a relapse then that person starts to behave in a particular way again or a situation returns to how it was before. Some of us with dependence on pills or wine. : 2. How to use relapse in a sentence. Examples of 'relapse' in a sentence relapse. Sentence Completion Exercise. The ability to identify thoughts that aren’t true and mistaken beliefs about yourself, the world, and other people is a critical tool in preventing a relapse. Definition of relapse. relapse in a sentence. He was also beginning to relapse into invec ‘The main goal of this intervention is to keep him motivated and to avoid a relapse into a less active lifestyle.’ ‘Let it be hoped that we can refrain from relapsing into the bad old habits once the dreaded epidemic is over, so a new Shanghai with a new outlook will emerge in the long run.’ 3. After the relapse, I had to return to my sickbed. The sentence completion exercise is a technique that helps you identify and correct thoughts that may not be true.

Less dependence on new products. The freed him from a death curse cast by a matronly ghost. The word relapse(noun) is generally used in the context of a patient’s state of health.