But it also adds some easily readable flexibility for tracking things the way you write them in React… Configuration.
react-metrics does not automatically supply any vendor analytics. Adds a command to the ga() command queue to create a new tracker object for the property specified via the 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID' parameter. Auto redirect to another web page with Javascript. The most mature project for integrating Google Analytics into a React project is React-GA. React Router v4 … Pick up where this workshop leaves off. Learn the fundamentals of data tools like Excel, SQL, and Tableau in 10 weeks in our part-time, on-campus Data Analytics course or online in our mentor-driven Data Analysis Circuit. This is a JavaScript module that can be used to include Google Analytics tracking code in a website or app that uses React for its front-end codebase. S. Show pretty git log graphs in command line. je conseille l'excellent react-router-ga paquet extrêmement léger et facile à configurer, surtout lorsqu'on utilise le BrowserRouter wrapper. 4. React Google Analytics Module. It does not currently use any React code internally, but has been written for use with a number of Mozilla Foundation websites that are using React and a way to standardize our GA Instrumentation across projects. This is a JavaScript module that can be used to include Google Analytics tracking code in a website or app that uses React for its front-end codebase. Surely, it is not overly complicated to write an abstraction layer on top of the existing GA API, but why re-invent the wheel when this project is already battle-tested? react-ga React Google Analytics Module. C. Update the GA Settings Variable and Universal Analytics tag.

Contribute to react-ga/react-ga development by creating an account on GitHub. R. Remove an item from array by index in Javascript. An example of this is web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics. When you’re running any single page application (built with Angular, React, Vue or whatever) you’ll need to jump some extra hoops to log traffic. Every time a state changes in the React app, a developer should push that change to the Data Layer, e.g.
The most mature project for integrating Google Analytics into a React project is React-GA. componentDidMount(){ window.ga('create', 'ANALYTICS-ID', 'auto'); } … Surely, it is not overly complicated to write an abstraction layer on top of the existing GA API, but why re-invent the wheel when this project is already battle-tested?

The most notable difference between a regular website and an SPA is the reduced amount of page refreshes. The default Google Analytics tag works well with traditional websites because the snippet code is run every single time the users load a new page. Importer le composant: import Analytics from 'react-router-ga'; il suffit alors d'ajouter le dans votre BrowserRouter: If you want to send data to multiple web properties from a single web page then you need to understand what trackers are and how they can be … React GA is simply a wrapper around Googles own JavaScript API for Google Analytics, but it’s been formatted to easily be added to a React application in just a few lines of code. Analytics Vendor Implementations. Initializes a global ga function (called the ga() command queue) that allows you to schedule commands to be run once the analytics.js library is loaded and ready to go.