Then download and run zookeeper from docker hub $ docker run -d --name zookeeper --network kafka-net zookeeper:latest. The following settings must be passed to run the Kafka MQTT Docker image: KAFKA_MQTT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS A host:port pair for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. Here's a quick tutorial on how to setup Apache Kafka and Zookeeper in docker. We can use the Zookeeper bundled with Kafka or use a separated Zookeeper which can be installed on another node. The important thing here is that you have KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME is set. Start Apache Kafka Docker. My fig.yml content is: zookeeper: image: wurstmeister/zookeeper ports: - Menu.

Then download and run zookeeper from docker hub $ docker run -d --name zookeeper --network kafka-net zookeeper:latest . Now start the Kafka server. With the separate images for Apache Zookeeper and Apache Kafka in wurstmeister/kafka project and a docker-compose.yml configuration for Docker Compose that is a very good starting point that allows for further customizations. docker-compose.yml If you are on Windows use the equivalents.

This image allows to set a full fledged Kafka installation on top of Zookeeper which already includes Kafka Connect and Confluent Schema Registry. You can find the final YAML file below: You need to describe the topics using the kafka-topics command, which can be found in the documentation, which will connect to Zookeeper over the port 2181.. Something like . Just to remind you that to install Apache Kafka, we need the Zookeeper. I've configured Zookeeper and Kafka containers in a fig.yml file for Docker.

Once we have our Dockerfile and files ready, we can build this docker image. Zookeeper Docker image. If you get any errors, verify both Kafka and ZooKeeper are running with docker ps and check the logs from the terminals running Docker … Zookeeper & Kafka images from docker hub; Procedure: First Step is to create the bridge network to enable communication between Kafka & Zookeeper $ docker network create kafka-net.
Here is an example of building this image (in the same directory as our Dockerfile) as kafka-quickstart version Configuring the Kafka container. Both containers start fine. Instructs ZooKeeper where to listen for connections by clients such as Kafka.

The second one is our message broker running an image of Kafka provided by Landoop. This will help to manage Kafka services to start/stop using the systemctl command. ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_ID This is only required when running in clustered mode.