Similar to a pox party, adults expose themselves to people who have contracted Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in the misguided hope that they will have recovered from it before hospitals have been over-run with people and treatment isn't possible. You also get the typical instruction manual. Refers to a person, weapon, or vehicle which has a high output, but a low defense, life, durability, etc. In June 2019, "Yeet Cannon 9" won an online contest to name a 9mm handgun produced by the firearms manufactured Hi-Point.

To discard an item at a high velocity.

The Blaster (City of Heroes), dex zon (Diablo 2),golf glub (Silent Hill 4),and Red Gazelle (F-Zero GX) are glass cannons.

The Yeet Cannon G1 comes in a simple cardboard box with a trigger lock, a rear peep sight, and a tool for the sights that doubles as a key for the trigger lock.

A Yeet Cannon in contemporary parlance refers to a pistol or other firearm used in an aggressive manner. Yeete is God of all Living Things Originates from the word ‘yeet’ but is more O.P


The Yeet Cannon model is no different than the standard C9 mechanically or even as a package.

by whatsaname October 07, 2004 Get a glass cannon … Yeet is an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something.

According to,“Yeet is an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move …

The Spartans used yeet as a battle cry when fighting the Persians at Thermopylae, as translated from neocontemporary Persian accounts of the battle. According to a message sent to someone who inquired as to the reason “Yeet Cannon” was removed Hi point had this to say; However, a quick visit to urban dictionary, google, states that. The differences are purely aesthetics. when ya do da pooh in dah panth, it justa yeet outa you ass Yeet Cannon is a slang term often used by gun enthusiasts when referring to a firearm that typically used for recreational purposes with little utility for hunting or self-defense.