Un’immagine che divenne immediatamente un’icona degli orrori della guerra, e che riusci a toccare talmente nel profondo le coscienze del mondo occidentale da smuovere l’opinione pubblica e segnare l’inizio della fine del conflitto.

On June 8, 1972, AP photographer Nick Ut took this photo of 9-year-old Kim Phuc as she ran from an aeral napalm attack. NASHVILLE — On June 8, 1972, Nick Ut, a Vietnamese photographer working for The Associated Press, shot a now-iconic photo of children fleeing napalm mistakenly dropped on … The picture, taken by Associated Press photographer Nick Ut, has become an icon of conflict photography.
Burns covered roughly 50 percent of Kim’s body, and doctors at the hospital were grim about her odds of survival. Photographer Nick Ut: The Napalm Girl 1972 Napalm Girl Photo, Photographer Nick Ut.

1972 Napalm Girl Photo, Photographer Nick Ut On June 8, 1972, AP Photographer Nick Ut captured what would become a Pulitzer Prize winning photo depicting children fleeing from a Napalm bombing during the Vietnam War.

There, aid workers poured cool water over her burns and transported her to Barski hospital in Saigon. On June 8, 1972, Associated Press photographer Nick Ut was outside Trang Bang, about 25 miles northwest of Saigon, when the South Vietnamese air force mistakenly dropped a load of napalm on the village. Nick Ut/AP It's the 40th anniversary of an iconic image of war.

One of them, a Vietnamese national named Nick Ut, snapped the famous Napalm Girl photo immediately before Kim reached the station. After his brother was killed in … The terror of war or also known as the Napalm Girl is a Pulitzer Prize winning photograph taken by photojournalist Nick Ut, a Vietnamese American photographer who was working for the associated Press at that time. Nick Ut’s ‘Napalm Girl’ photograph, which altered the course of the Vietnam war. In Conversation With Nick Ut, Whose 'Napalm Girl' Photograph Changed the Course of Vietnam War The iconic photograph fetched Ut the Pulitzer Prize and … Ho Van Bon and Ho Thi Ting, Kim Phuc’s cousins, to the right of Kim Phuc in the famous Nick Ut “napalm girl” photo, seen here in 2014 in Trang Bang.

Ho Thi Hien was the girl on the right.

Napalm Girl, l’immagine di Nick Ut divenuta icona del conflitto vietnamita, scattata l’8 giugno 1972.

On June 8, 1972, AP Photographer Nick Ut captured what would become a Pulitzer Prize winning photo depicting children fleeing from a Napalm bombing during the Vietnam War.