Scribes were busy, but they also lived very good lives, with many luxuries. Although experts believe that most scribes were men, there is evidence of some female doctors. When a soul was … Scribes were counted among the elite in ancient Egypt and led charmed, yet challenging, lives. What were Hieroglyphics used for? To the Ancient Egyptians words had power. Thoth was sacred to the scribes of Ancient Egypt.

These women would have been trained as scribes so that they could read medical texts.

This catapulted their lot into a different league altogether; one that would bring them great acclaim and accolades, and even … Even if the ancient Egyptians had invented the camera or the tape recorder, they still … Scribes didn’t have to pay taxes or enter the army, and it was a very clean, respectable job. To become a scribe, you had to attend a special school for scribes.

He was one of the eight original Gods who spoke the world into being. However, only wealthy children got the opportunity to train as scribes. How did someone become a scribe? Depicted as the Ibis or a baboon, Thoth was said to have invented writing and was said to have a power over words. The Egyptians kept records of absolutely everything and were very efficient and detailed. The Egyptians hieroglyphic language is very complex, comprising of over seven hundred unique signs which could be combined to give layers of meaning. The ancient Egyptians wrote on obelisks, pyramids, tombs, coffins, sarcophagi, statues, walls of their homes, and papyrus scrolls. Most students would start their studies in a temple school at the age of five, but their formal scribal education would begin when they were around nine years old. The scribes in Ancient Egypt were in the middle class. Scribes were people in ancient Egypt (usually men) who learned to read and write. Houses in Ancient Egypt were made of mudbricks. There were bakers, scribes, farmers, priests, doctors, craftsmen, merchants and many more. There was a large variety of jobs in Ancient Egypt. The houses of scribes were no exception. Scribes were treated with respect in Ancient Egypt.

They influenced virtually every sphere of the public and private affairs of the citizenry to an astounding degree.

Be it the Pharaoh or lay person - everyone needed the services of scribes. When a person was sick the magicians used a spoken formula, given to them by Thoth to cure the ailing person. Scribes learned how to communicate using the hieroglyphs that were the writing of ancient Egypt. They would have lived in small but not tiny houses. As a result scribal training could take up to a decade to complete. Scribes were in attendance to record the stocks of foods, court proceedings, wills and other legal documents, tax records, magic spells and all of the things that happened every day in the life of the pharaoh.