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Save 61% on average when you buy in advance. Travel by train from Peterborough to London in 49m. Save 61% on average when you buy in advance. Download the map You can catch our trains for travel between London and the East of England, including Cambridge, Peterborough and King’s Lynn. The average train between London and Peterborough takes 1h 1m and the fastest train takes 45 min. The journey time may be longer on weekends and holidays; use the search form on this page to search for a specific travel date. Train tickets from Peterborough to London Kings Cross can start from as little as £13 when you book in advance and are usually more expensive when purchased on the day. All LNER inter-city train services stop in Peterborough on their journey from Edinburgh to London and York to London. Book online with us, and we promise you’ll be getting our cheapest train tickets. Peterborough station is serviced by two high-speed inter-city trains per hour, which run between London, Yorkshire, the North East and Scotland as well a multitude of East-West trains and local services. LNER operates a train from London Kings Cross to Peterborough every 30 minutes. What companies run services between London, England and Peterborough, England? Go posh in Peterborough; have a capital time in London . That's why we can find you cheap tickets for the fastest London to Peterborough train available.

The journey takes around 50 minutes*, that’s 50 minutes of travelling in style. Travel by train from London to Peterborough in 43m. Popular Routes to Peterborough

Tickets cost £10 - £110 and the journey takes 46 min. And, with 98 services every weekday, there’s no easier way to travel between Peterborough and London than with us. To give you an idea of how long it takes from London to Peterborough, the average duration by train is 46 min. Peterborough also has a uniquely mixed economy comprised of logistics and warehouse parks as well as finance and digital media companies that have come in more recently, serving as a fantastic commuter and service hub due to its convenient location between London and the East Midlands.

The train runs at least 4 times per hour from London to Peterborough. Two other operators also service this route.