THREE-CANDLE DIVINATION Set up three candles, all of the same colour and in identical holders, if possible, in a windless space. The art of Ceromancy or divination with candles has different kinds to it. The studying of the pictures candle wax makes in water OR th way a candle burns. Place a Queen of the Meadow root inside a glass of water. please choose the first candle. The way a candle burns is actually called Lychnomancy or La Lingus Delle Candelle, “the language of the candle.” Place this glass beside a burning white candle. candle divination 5 symbols: think about the question and choose 5 candles with the focus. Well, other than giving off light, they're a powerful spiritual tool that helps people focus their psychic energies.

To sum up, in considering the methodology of candle divination, you will see that it consists of THREE forms of divination combined: Pyromancy -- divination by flame. Ceromancy -- divination by wax. Candles help you in focusing on your desires, allowing you to more effectively send your intentions out into the universe.

Gaze into the flame, to obtain visions of the future. If one burns more brightly than the others, you'll have a period of unexpected good luck. Capnomancy -- divination by smoke.

Candle Divination But why are candles so popular?

Arrange them into a triangle and light them.