This extension is based on extension Google Analytics Integration by Tim Laqua.. Star us on Github? To make the most out of Matomo, you also need a few extra PHP extensions such as the PHP GD extension that is used to generate the sparklines (small graphs), graphs in statistics Email reports, as well as graphs in the Matomo Mobile App. It can exclude the views of the users with 'bot' privileges (bots) and the 'protect' privileges (sysops). The Matomo extension (formerly "Piwik Integration") inserts your Matomo (formerly Piwik) tracking code to the bottom of every page. This extension is based on extension Google Analytics Integration by Tim Laqua.. I think the last time I’ve configured PHP was with Apache, but now I’m using Nginx; its configuration is much simpler and easier to understand, but I think it’s still not as popular as Apache, at least in the PHP … It can exclude the views of the users with 'bot' privileges (bots) and the 'protect' privileges (sysops). I tested most Matomo features before the release, but obviously can't catch everything. For example, if you set it to 'matomoServerA' in one Matomo and 'matomoServerB' in another, your LDAP attributes might look like: view: matomoServerA:1,2,3;matomoServerB:all; admin: matomoServerA:4,5,6; superuser: matomoServerC ; Using a custom access attribute format. Der Webanalysedienst Matomo erhebt und speichert die IP-Adresse Ihres Seitenbenutzers. Base class of all settings providers. If you are building websites, you can use our powerful JavaScript SDK to measure all aspects of your website experience. No custom PHP settings are in place. Add the following line to the section [General] of Matomo’s config/config.ini.php file: API_datatable_default_limit = 1000 Tracking does not work on HostGator! The data and information collected by Matomo is 100% owned and controlled by the European Commission. This guarantees compliance with strict privacy regulations and laws. Connect to phpMyAdmin; … replace /var/www/matomo/ with the path to your Matomo instance; configure PHP (this depends on your OS and PHP setup) if you are using fastcgi (which is probably the case) set fastcgi_pass to the path of your PHP socket file; you can also specify a TCP port; go to … Piwik\Settings\ Settings. Piwik\Settings\ Settings. The tool is written in PHP and stores its data in a MySQL/MariaDB database. Matomo Plugins and Matomo Core. Plugin Settings Type of settings. Example Tracking Request Here is an example of a real tracking request used by the Matomo Mobile app when anonymously tracking Mobile App usage: Understand the default Apache configuration; mysql. Sie sollten daher die IP-Adresse anonymisieren.Matomo bietet in diesem Zusammenhang das Plugin „PrivacyManager“ an.